Instructions on Purification for My Disciple Targyay Gyamtso

(From a collection of songs translated by Yeshe Gyamtso and published by KTD Publications (2007) as the Treasury of Eloquence: The Songs of Barway Dorje. Posted with permission. Copyright 2007 Karma Triyana Dharmachakra & Peter O’Hearn. All Rights Reserved.)

I bow to the supreme guru Vajrasattva.
I will provide here a little instruction for disciples
On the purification of karma.

Imagine your guru, Vajrasattva, above your head
In the form of the second Buddha, Padmakara.
In nature he is Padmakara indivisible from your root guru.
He is white and red with one smiling face.
His two hands hold a vajra and a kapala of amrita.
In sambhogakaya attire, he is embraced by white Tsogyal.
Seated in vajra and lotus posture, they blaze with light rays.
They are sitting on a lion throne, lotus, sun, and moon.
They clearly embody all buddhas of the three times.
Offer a billion mandalas, your body, and your possessions.
Confess all wrongdoing of body, speech, and mind of the three times.
In their heart on a moon is HUM surrounded by the hundred syllables.
Streaming amrita purifies wrongs and obscurations.

Recite the six syllables, the hundred syllables,
And the all-sufficient VAJRA GURU.
Pray to Guru Rinpoche and the three roots.

Your mind, awareness of this moment,
Is beyond characterization as this or that.
Without being distracted from the continuity
Of mere presence, cultivate it without fixation.
Whatever happens—birth, death, joy, or misery—
Remain undistracted yet relaxed.

Always entrust your heart to your root guru through devotion.
Turn your mind to holy dharma.
Give up as many mundane actions as you can.
If you do all this, you will accomplish much.

It would be excellent for you now to engage in purification and accumulation
according to tradition, with inviolate samaya toward both
your guru and your monastery, entrusting your whole life to the cultivation
of virtue in a good retreat in isolation or in a hermitage. Please
keep the tradition of doing so in mind. Written by Barway Dorje. May
it bring virtue!

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