Year of the Wood Snake Losar: Pre and Losar Activities


Yamantaka Puja    

Feb 20-26, 8:30am-12 & 2-7pm (ending in times will vary)

On the 26th the last day session will start at 1pm, and probably go longer than 7pm

This practice retreat is performed ahead of Losar (Tibetan New Year) at KPL in order to clear away obstacles for the coming year and help all attain realization very quickly.

Donations towards tsok and flowers are welcome.
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Cleansing Smoke Offering

Thur,  Feb 27 @ 10am

This is performed as a pre-Losar purification practice.

more information and links>



Losar: Tibetan New Year

Fri, Feb 28 @ 8am

Green Tara puja
Tea and rice ceremony

Kata offering

± noon – Potluck Lunch

more information and links>