…through the nature of the times we live in, and through the aspirations of Guru Rinpoche, even though we live in a time which by some standards is degenerate, the teachings of secret mantra, by the very power of the degeneracy of the times, are even more powerful, even more accessible, and even more effective.
In a sense, we can credit Guru Rinpoche’s aspiration with this because he said, “In the future, during times of five-fold degeneracy, my teachings of secret mantra will blaze like fire.” This means that, in spite of the times we live in, the evidence of attainment is unceasing. The actual success, the actual benefit of vajrayana practice, is as great as it has ever been, possibly greater. And we are worthy of it, otherwise we would not see it; we wouldn’t be interested in it; we wouldn’t be here. Our access to these teachings could not be accidental. It is a result of our previous lives’ aspiration and, in this case, our connection with Guru Rinpoche himself.
[From Essence of Wisdom: Stages of the Path, Part 2 by Lama Tashi Topgyal. Translated by Lama Yeshe Gyamtso.]