Pure Realms Complete Within Your Own Mind
…sometimes we talk about a pure realm, for example the celestial realm of Vajrayogini, as though it were an external place—somewhere else; but then in this context we talk about it as something that is […]
…sometimes we talk about a pure realm, for example the celestial realm of Vajrayogini, as though it were an external place—somewhere else; but then in this context we talk about it as something that is […]
It’s not helpful to scold ourselves or blame ourselves for what we perceive as lack of success in actually benefiting others because giving into disappointment about that can cause us to lose our resolve to […]
The character of language is the appearance of the character of the mind or the attributes of the mind, which fundamentally is the clear light, the cognition devoid of inherent existence. What in tantric terms […]
Now in this practice [the White Khechari], as is in many of our practices, there’s the notion when we say the svabhava mantra that the things dissolve into emptiness as though they were substantially existent, […]
We are not attempting to change the nature of appearances from impure to pure. Appearances of themselves have always been pure. We have always been Samantabhadra; we have always been White Tara. We’re not trying […]
It’s much easier to be reborn in Sukhavati than in any other pure realm. This is because of Buddha Amitabha’s special aspiration that it be so. The fundamental cause of rebirth in Sukhavati is to […]
In the great perfection teachings it’s often said, “The more thoughts and kleshas that arise, the more wisdom will arise.” The reason for this is that if you have gained some stability in awareness, the […]
A key point to understand […] is that your root guru and Guru Rinpoche are responsive to prayer. Do not think that you are praying as a mental exercise with the sole purpose of cultivating […]
…through the nature of the times we live in, and through the aspirations of Guru Rinpoche, even though we live in a time which by some standards is degenerate, the teachings of secret mantra, by […]
We will only ever get what we want through concern for others. As long as we remain limited to concern for ourselves we will never, ever, get what we want. This is why it is […]
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