Dear Friends, Students and Generous Donors,
Summer is finally here in Red Hook, New York! After reviewing several bids from contractors to work on the asphalt paving and concrete work for our circumambulation path, we’ve chosen a final bid of $79,600 and the project is scheduled to begin in July/August. We’re very pleased to share that we’ve raised $27,022.79 since launching the campaign in November. From the bottom of our hearts, we would like to thank everyone for their support! As summarized by Bardor Tulku Rinpoche, the goal of this campaign is to raise funds towards completing a number of outdoor landscaping projects prior to His Holiness the 17th Karmapa’s anticipated arrival to lead KPL’s opening ceremony. One of these projects is to create a circumambulation path around the monastery which will make it possible for students and visitors to enjoy the monastery’s grounds and accumulate merit. In February of this year, KPL received its long-awaited Certificate of Occupancy (C of O) granted by the Town of Red Hook. “It has taken a lot of hard work over many years to build this place that you see today,” Rinpoche said in his New Year remarks. Rinpoche spoke about a time when he hesitated and consulted His Holiness the 17th Karmapa, during Karmapa’s first visit to the country. “Should I continue? Or should I give up?” His Holiness’ reply, “Continue. Over time, it will be done.”
“And now we see that through his blessing and in accordance with his vision and that of his predecessor, it is done.” It should also be noted that KPL has never carried any loan debt and the final C of O allows KPL to utilize full use of its building. “Given that Kunzang Palchen Ling is not only a repository for the Buddha’s teachings, but also a venue for the visits and teachings of holy beings of many traditions, I ask that you continue to help as you have. Although the building itself is finished, the work of making this a place of practice and a place of intense study is just beginning and as I often remind you in this context, as we set about this work, the most important thing is our intention.” Thank you for your help and commitment to Kunzang Palchen Ling!
Click here for Bardor Tulku Rinpoche’s Complete the Circle Letter.
Click here for the Nov. 28 Complete the Circle Email.
Donations can be made through our Paypal Donation** or if sending by check, please write “Landscaping” in the memo line and mail to:
Kunzang Palchen Ling
Attn: Construction Fund
P.O. Box 205
Bearsville, New York 12409
For further inquiries, please contact donations@kunzang.org.