…sometimes we talk about a pure realm, for example the celestial realm of Vajrayogini, as though it were an external place—somewhere else; but then in this context we talk about it as something that is completely internal and present within our own bodies. Which is it? Is it out there, or is it in here? The answer is that as long as we have self-fixation and divide things into self and other, inside and outside, and so on, it is beneficial for us to think of this pure realm as external to ourselves, as an object of the imagination to which we can aspire for rebirth. In reality, however, this pure realm and all pure realms are complete within our own minds.
[From a Teaching on the White Khechari Sadhana, Part 3 of 3, by Lama Tashi Topgyal. Translated by Lama Yeshe Gyamtso. Print commentary of the White Khechari Sadhana with Tsok forthcoming.]