Commentary and instruction by Bardor Tulku Rinpoche
Translation by Lama Yeshe Gyamtso
Cost of weekend: $120 (membership discount applies).
The Treasury of Eloquence is a compilation of the songs of realization of Terchen Barway Dorje (1836-1918). Like the well-known songs of Milarepa, they serve as a source of inspiration and guidance to contemporary practitioners. Though most of the songs were spontaneously composed for a particular disciple, their direct advice unmistakably points out the way to encounter the Buddha nature that is common to all. Made up of many pithy songs, longer pieces, guru yoga compositions, and prayers of aspiration and supplication, the Treasury of Eloquence contains a wide range of teachings and instructions that can be put to immediate use. Bardor Tulku Rinpoche will go through all the songs in the Treasury of Eloquence over the course of this teaching series and give definitive commentary on their profound meaning.
Saturday, Oct 26 – 10-Noon, 2-4pm, Songs of Barway Dorje
Sunday, Oct 27 – 10-Noon, Songs of Barway Dorje