The Kunzang Palchen Ling community, including its teachers, board and sangha members, believe that the Buddhadharma should be shared with all those who seek it, regardless of age, race, identity, gender, orientation and ability. As the practice of Dharma should bring about an expansion of kindness and understanding, we aim to embody that in our dharma center and lives.

It is our wish that at KPL and at its affiliate centers/groups, openness and acceptance is always practiced towards everyone. Towards this end, we strive to make resources available on-site and online so that anyone can enjoy our center’s teachings and programs, regardless of distance or circumstance.

Being that KPL is a dharma center that was established to encourage and nurture dharma practice, it is our purpose and joy to do so. We hope to continue sharing the Dharma with all those who appreciate it, and we happily welcome those who earnestly seek to study.