Questions: What can we do during these times of uncertainty and strife?
Lama’s Answer: According to Guru Rinpoche’s prophecy, we are living in the degenerate times, a period marked by great turbulence in both the minds of beings and the environment. In my daily practice, I recite the Seven-Line Supplication and pray to Green Tara for protection. When praying, it is essential to cultivate one-pointed focus and a strong motivation of bodhichitta—the aspiration to bring all beings to Buddhahood.
Guru Rinpoche specifically promised protection to those who call upon him with sincere devotion. Green Tara’s unique activity is her swift response to those in need. If you can recite the 21 Praises of Tara, that is excellent, but if not, simply chanting her mantra is profoundly powerful, as it embodies the essence of her enlightened heart.
So please remember these practices, and above all, maintain compassion and patience. Do not be overwhelmed by anxiety, depression, or worry.
see Guru Rinpoche’s Seven Line Prayer
and The 21 Taras prayer (click here for the prayer)