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This is part 3 of 3 of the practice instructions on the White Khechari (White Vajrayogini) sadhana from the terma of Terchen Barway Dorje. In this teaching, Lama Tratop explained the details of the long version practice with tsok, as it is done at KPL on the 25th day of the lunar month, but he included instructions necessary for those who perform the short (daily) version of the practice.
This teaching was given at KPL in March 2013.
High quality
4 MP3 files
Running time: about 7hrs 26mins
Total size: 276.8 MB
Upon purchase you will receive a link to download the file.
See also
White Khechari Practice Instructions, Part 1 of 3
White Khechari Practice Instructions, Part 2 of 3
Commentary on the White Khechari (Dakini) Sadhana with Tsok, transcription of the audio, Parts 1 – 3.