No matter how much may be said about bodhichitta, and how much we may know about it and learn about it, it all comes down to benevolence, benevolence towards others. If we are benevolent toward others, we don’t need much else. It’s said, therefore, that if your intentions are good, your traversal of the paths and stages will be good; if your intentions are poor, your traversal of the paths and stages will be poor. So, everything fundamentally depends upon our intention.
Also, of more importance than what we do is how we do it. Especially in regards to how we relate to others. As Shantideva wrote in the Bodhicaryavatara, “Even in the act of looking at someone make sure that you do so gently and with kindness.” So this is very much the basis of all of our mahayana practice, including mahayana mind training.
[From an unpublished teaching on Taking and Sending given in Battle Creek, Michigan, by Lama Tashi Topgyal in 2013. Translated by Lama Yeshe Gyamtso.]