Terchen Barway Dorje cared deeply for educating lay people and for bringing the most powerful teachings to men and women living as ordinary people. In this he was something of an outsider. He could have lived as a monk, reserving the highest dharma for monks, but he chose not to. His students are the beneficiaries of a tradition that insists on bringing dharma to life through living it. —Bardor Tulku Rinpoche
Kunzang Chöling Centers
Kunzang Chöling of PHOENIX
Contact: Linda Gray
Email: kunzangphoenix@gmail.com
Zoom Practice:
KC of Phoenix offers a Tuesday twice a month: White Kechari Short Practice Tuesday, 7 pm EST (Tuesdays opposite Michael’s study group). Please email Linda to receive email notifications and the Zoom link.
Facebook: Kunzang-Choling-Phoenix-103570395418508
Kunzang Chöling of EVANSVILLE
Contact: Alan McCoy
Phone: (812) 449-8924
Email: kunzangcholingevv@gmail.com
Website: kunzangcholingevansville.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/Kunzang-Chöling-of-Evansville-203167698384/
Palchen Study Groups
Palchen Study Group JACKSONVILLE
Contact: Ann George Shaffer
Phone: 904-993-7466
Email: info@palchen-jacksonville.org
Website: palchen-jacksonville.org
Palchen Study Group MELBOURNE
Contact: Cheryl Day
Phone: 321-720-1519
E-mail: PsgMelbourne@gmail.com
Facebook: facebook.com/PSG.Melbourne.FL
Palchen Study Group ST. PETERSBURG
Contact: Peter Crockett
Phone: 727-403-4626
Email: peterc33rock@yahoo.com
Palchen Study Group TAMPA
Contact: David Grabau
Mobile: 813-728-5449
Email: opgi_inc@yahoo.com
Palchen Study Group BOSTON
41 Cordis St.
Wakefield, MA 01880
Contact: Mary Koperski
Phone: 781-789-2494
Email: marykoperski@gmail.com
Contact: Amanda Heffner-Wong
Phone: 617-633-6650
Email: aheffwong@gmail.com
Palchen Study Group S.W. Michigan
Contact: Matt Willis
Email: mwillis70@gmail.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/palchenswmi/
Palchen Study Group COLUMBUS
Contact: Linda McCart
Phone: 614-397-3484
Email: mccartlm@hotmail.com
Palchen Study Group MANCHESTER
Contact: James Reilly
Phone: 802-379-1901
Email: jreilly@ucsvt.org
Palchen Study Group SEATTLE
Contact: Linda Lee
Email: info@palchenseattle.org
Website: www.PalchenSeattle.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/palchenseattle.org
Zoom Practice:
PSG Seattle offers group practices twice a month, on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month at 9:00am PT via Zoom. Please email Linda to receive email notifications and the Zoom link.
Palchen Study Group LONDON, ONTARIO
Contact: Lynne Helwig
Phone: 519-488-5266
Email: pemasherabwangmo@gmail.com