Dear Friends, Students and Generous Donors,
I am very happy to share the news that construction of the Kunzang Palchen Ling Monastery is almost fully complete. Through the support of so many over the years, and the tireless efforts of our volunteers, we are quickly reaching our goal. At our current rate of progress, we expect to receive a full Certificate of Occupancy before the next Tibetan New Year.
Since KPL will soon be completed and we will have the Certificate of Occupancy, we are planning to hold an opening ceremony led by HH 17th Karmapa. His Holiness is currently in the United States, and unless there is a sudden change to his schedule, he will remain in the U.S. until the end of next June. I have already formally invited His Holiness to KPL and he has generously accepted. While we are still waiting to receive the exact dates for his visit, His Holiness said that he will stay at KPL for one week.
As construction of the monastery is quickly nearing completion, there are a number of outdoor landscaping projects we would like to finish before His Holiness’s arrival. One of the main landscaping projects is to make and pave a circumambulation path around the monastery. This would make it possible for students and visitors to enjoy the monastery’s grounds and accumulate merit. In order to make the path, we need to first level a very steep hill so that the ground will be flat. Once the ground is flat, construction on the path can begin. In addition to this, we hope to pave the driveway and main parking lot of the monastery.
In order to accomplish these landscaping goals, we estimate that it will take approximately $100,000 to meet all of the expenses. Any contribution made towards this endeavor would be deeply appreciated and of great benefit to KPL. Thank you very much for your continued support and generosity.
Yours in the Dharma,
Bardor Tulku Rinpoche
Throughout this past year, KPL had continued to work on the building — both interior and exterior — even while hosting various dharma programs. Our volunteers are phenomenal! Here are some of our accomplishments this year:
- Completion of bathroom installations, including tiling of shower stalls.
- Completion of all but two oak stairwells, which are projected to be completed in December.
- Completion of applying throne decorative ornaments and jewels.
- Completion of oak doors installations, including sanding and varnishing.
- Completion of all window trims.
- Completion of Lama kitchen, including custom cabinets and granite countertops.
- Completion of front porch and steps construction, including bluestone tile installation and columns.
- Working on preparations for the circumambulation path.
This is our final phase toward completion.
Imagine the joyous day when His Holiness and Bardor Tulku Rinpoche circumambulate on the new path. Imagine His Holiness looking out from the window of his room. Imagine His Holiness staying at Kunzang Palchen Ling for a week. Help us complete the circle. Please consider donating generously to make this a reality in 2018.
Donations can be made through our Paypal Donation or if sending by check, please write “Landscaping” in the memo line and mail to:
Kunzang Palchen Ling
Attn: Construction Fund
P.O. Box 205
Bearsville, New York 12409
For further inquiries, please contact linda@kunzang.org.
[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”62″ gal_title=”Construction Update November 2017″]
Below is an architectural rendering of KPL’s new landscaping:
Please help me preserve the lineage of my predecessor for the benefit of all sentient beings,
so all who encounter these teachings may attain inner realization
through practice, experience and the blessings of the lineage.
— Bardor Tulku Rinpoche