Click on the teaching title to initiate download. Please also refer to the KPL Bookstore for MP3 downloads that can be purchased.
Faculty at Kunzang Palchen Ling
Bardor Tulku Rinpoche
October 2011, Palchen Study Group Evansville, IN: Public talk about compassion. Translation by Lama Yeshe Gyamtso. 1 mp3 file (100.3 MB).
Dharma Without Borders
January 2015, Kunzang Choling Phoenix: Public talk about non-sectarianism. Translation by Lama Yeshe Gyamtso. 1 mp3 file (34 MB).
How Difficulties Enhance Spiritual Practice
October 2010, Columbus Tibetan Buddhist Center: Public talk. The audio recording contains the English part only. Translation by Lama Yeshe Gyamtso. 1 mp3 file, running time 41 mins (19.8 MB).
Introduction to Buddhist Practice
February 2011, Kunzang Palchen Ling: An introductory teaching in English. 4 mp3 files, running time 5hrs 18mins (306.6 MB).
Letting Go of Anger and Negative Emotions
November 2012, Palchen Study Group Evansville, IN: A public talk on anger and discursive emotions, the Buddhist perspective on anger, and the antidote to it. The talk is followed by several questions from the audience. 1 mp3 file, running time 1 hr 19 mins (75.8 MB).
Loving Kindness and Compassion: The Heart of Spiritual Practice
September 2012, Palchen Study Group Battle Creek, MI: Public talk about loving kindness. 1 mp3 file, running time 53 mins (50.7 MB).
Natural Meditation, Wisdom, and Compassion
February 2012, Phoenix, AZ: Public Talk. Translation by Lama Yeshe Gyamtso. 1 mp3 file, running time about 1hr (86 MB).
Refuge Vow
May 2010, Kunzang Palchen Ling: Teaching on refuge. Translation by Lama Yeshe Gyamtso. 1 mp3 file, running time 1hr 14mins (71.5 MB).
Refuge Vow, Lay Precepts, and Bodhisattva Vow
August 2012, Kunzang Palchen Ling: Vow Weekend. Translation by Tseten namgyal. 3 mp3 files, running time 3hrs 57mins (147.3 MB).
Lama Tashi Topgyal
Advice for Vajrayana Practitioners
September 2012, Palchen Study Group Battle Creek: During Bardor Tulku Rinpoche’s visit to Battle Creek, Lama Tashi Topgyal offered a talk with essential advice for vajrayana practitioners.
1 mp3 file (1 hr 35 mins, 91.2 MB).
November 2013, Palchen Study Group Battle Creek: Lama Tashi Topgyal offered advice on bodhichitta during his weekend teaching in Battle Creek.
1 mp3 file (2 hrs, 288 MB).
Origin of the Terma of Terchen Barway Dorje
October 2011, Palchen Study Group Evensville: During Bardor Tulku Rinpoche’s visit to Evansville, one of the teaching sessions was devoted to Q&A with Lama Tashi Topgyal. While answering questions, Lama offered background information about the origin of Terchen Barway Dorje’s terma.
1 mp3 file (1 hr 40 mins, 143.9 MB).
Lama Yeshe Gyamtso
Four Foundations of Mindfulness
November 2013, Palchen Study Group Battle Creek: Lama Yeshe Gyamtso offered instructions on the four foundations of mindfulness during his weekend teaching in Battle Creek.
1 mp3 file (1 hr 46 mins, 256 MB).
How to Relate to Guru Rinpoche
September 2015, Palchen Study Group Battle Creek: Lama Yeshe Gyamtso delivered a talk on how to relate not only to Guru Rinpoche, but more specifically on how to think about the relationship between one’s beliefs and one’s confidence and the role these play on the spiritual path.
12 mp3 files (104 MB).
Lama Jim Dowiat
Reviewing the Chenrezik Practice
November 2011, Kunzang Palchen Ling: Lama Jim reviewed the sadhana practice of Chenrezik. At Kunzang Palchen Ling the Chenrezik practice is done weekly on Sunday at 5 PM. 1 mp3 file (about 1 hr, 59.1 MB).
Lama Jim Kukula
Workshop with Annie Bond on Dharma and Green Living
August 2011, Kunzang Palchen Ling: Lama Jim and Annie discussed the basic activities of daily living, where we provide ourselves with food, clothing, shelter, medicine, and look for ways to develop wise, eco-friendly and compassionate approaches so our lives become sources of wellness for all the beings with whom we share this vast planetary ecological web. 1 mp3 file (1 hr 42 mins, 98.4 MB).

Visiting Teachers
H.H. 17th Gyalwang Karmapa
Teaching on Compassion
July 26, 2011, Kunzang Palchen Ling: His Holiness prefaced the short Chenrezik empowerment by a teaching on the qualities of love and compassion embodied in Chenrezik. He spoke of compassion as the lord (or king) of our heart (or mind) to whom we should surrender ourselves thereby allowing ourselves to listen to this leader’s advice. At the same time, His Holiness said, we should exercise wisdom that, like a king’s minister, helps implement the lord’s intention or plan in a correct manner. Translated by Lama Yeshe Gyamtso. 1 mp3 file (28.9 MB, running time 32 mins).
H.H. 17th Gyalwang Karmapa Chanting Om Mani Padme Hung Mantra
Recorded during the short Chenrezik empowerment offered by His Holiness Karmapa at KPL in July 2011. 1 mp3 file (912 KB, running time 1 minute).
Khenpo Karten Rinpoche
Introduction to the Practice of Amitabha
October 2011, Kunzang Palchen Ling: An introductory talk to Amitabha practice. Translated by Tseten Namgyal. 4 mp3 files (345 MB, running time 3 hrs 59 mins).
Lama Surya Das and Tulku Sherdor
The Real Deal: Integrating Buddhist Practice into our Lives
November 2011, Benefit evening for Kunzang Palchen Ling: A lively dialogue between the two well-known and experienced western lamas on how to integrate Buddhist practice with daily life. 1 mp3 file (211.9 MB, running time 1 hr 28 mins).
KPL Chants
KPL Opening Prayers
At the opening of each teaching, at Kunzang Palchen Ling we chant the following set of prayers 1 mp3 file, 12 mins (11.7 MB):
Mahamudra Lineage Prayer
Refuge Prayer
The Four Immeasurables
The Four Dharmas of Gampopa
The Seven-Line Supplication to Guru Padmasambhava (extended version that includes the four empowerments)
Daily Guru Rinpoche Sadhana with Tsok
The Continuing Combined Practice of the Vidyadhara Guru is the daily version of the Guru Rinpoche sadhana from the terma of Terchen Barway Dorje. For the benefit of practitioners doing this practice, Bardor Tulku Rinpoche composed a set of praises to be chanted at the beginning of the practice as well as a tsok liturgy with a tsok song. The puja was recorded at Kunzang Palchen Ling with Lama Tashi Topgyal as the umdze.1 mp3 file, 1hr 17mins (74.38 MB).
Tsok Song Composed by Bardor Tulku Rinpoche
Tsok song is a traditional element performed during feast practices. Bardor Tulku Rinpoche composed a tsok song for the tsok that is done as a part of the daily practice of Guru