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Pre-Losar Yamantaka Puja: Feb 20-26

Pre-Losar Yamantaka Puja: Feb 20-26

02/20/2025 - 02/26/2025    
February 20-26 8:30 - Noon & 2 - 7pm (ET) / Times are approximate Feb 22 - 2 pm streaming The Yamantaka practice is performed [...]
Chenrezik with Short Daily Guru Rinpoche Puja - Via Zoom

Chenrezik with Short Daily Guru Rinpoche Puja - Via Zoom

5:00 pm EST - 6:00 pm EST
Please join us for Chenrezik with the Short Daily Guru Rinpoche practice at KPL or via Zoom. 5:00-6:00pm ET - Chenrezik with Short Daily Guru [...]
Monday Shamatha Meditation via Zoom

Monday Shamatha Meditation via Zoom

5:00 pm EST - 5:30 pm EST
Naomi Schmidt will offer  30 minutes of meditation. Instruction will be given by request before the meditation session. If you would like to participate via [...]
Cleansing Smoke Offering

Cleansing Smoke Offering

10:00 am EST - 11:30 am EST
Cleansing Smoke Offering / A Fire Puja is a pre-Losar purification practice. Click here to download the text. Click here to convert to your local [...]
Losar: Tibetan New Year - Celebration

Losar: Tibetan New Year - Celebration

8:00 am EST - 10:00 am EST
  Losar (Tibetan New Year) Wood Snake Year  Green Tara Puja 8:00 am - ±10:00 am EST with Tea and Rice Ceremony followed by Kata [...]
Chenrezik with Short Daily Guru Rinpoche Puja - Via Zoom

Chenrezik with Short Daily Guru Rinpoche Puja - Via Zoom

5:00 pm EST - 6:00 pm EST
Please join us for Chenrezik with the Short Daily Guru Rinpoche practice at KPL or via Zoom. 5:00-6:00pm ET - Chenrezik with Short Daily Guru [...]
Monday Shamatha Meditation via Zoom

Monday Shamatha Meditation via Zoom

5:00 pm EST - 5:30 pm EST
Naomi Schmidt will offer  30 minutes of meditation. Instruction will be given by request before the meditation session. If you would like to participate via [...]
White Khechari Teaching, Drupchö and Tsok [March 7-9]

White Khechari Teaching, Drupchö and Tsok [March 7-9]

03/07/2025 - 03/09/2025    
7th Annual White Khechari Drupchö March 7 - 9 In person at KPL and livestreamed Kunzang Palchen Ling invites you to participate in the 7th [...]
Chenrezik with Short Daily Guru Rinpoche Puja - Via Zoom

Chenrezik with Short Daily Guru Rinpoche Puja - Via Zoom

5:00 pm EDT - 6:00 pm EDT
Please join us for Chenrezik with the Short Daily Guru Rinpoche practice at KPL or via Zoom. 5:00-6:00pm ET - Chenrezik with Short Daily Guru [...]
Monday Shamatha Meditation via Zoom

Monday Shamatha Meditation via Zoom

5:00 pm EDT - 5:30 pm EDT
Naomi Schmidt will offer  30 minutes of meditation. Instruction will be given by request before the meditation session. If you would like to participate via [...]
Chotrül Düchen - Day of Miracles

Chotrül Düchen - Day of Miracles

10:00 am EDT
KPL will celebrate with the chanting of Praises to the Sixteen Arhats. Day of the Buddha's Miracles (Chotrül Düchen), the day on which the period of [...]
Saturday Meditation - In Person Only / 10-11am

Saturday Meditation - In Person Only / 10-11am

12:00 am EDT
Led by Naomi Schmidt Naomi will lead shamatha (tranquility) meditation and offer instructions by request. This is a wonderful opportunity to get started with the [...]
Chenrezik with Short Daily Guru Rinpoche Puja - Via Zoom

Chenrezik with Short Daily Guru Rinpoche Puja - Via Zoom

5:00 pm EDT - 6:00 pm EDT
Please join us for Chenrezik with the Short Daily Guru Rinpoche practice at KPL or via Zoom. 5:00-6:00pm ET - Chenrezik with Short Daily Guru [...]
Monday Shamatha Meditation via Zoom

Monday Shamatha Meditation via Zoom

5:00 pm EDT - 5:30 pm EDT
Naomi Schmidt will offer  30 minutes of meditation. Instruction will be given by request before the meditation session. If you would like to participate via [...]
Songs of Barway Dorje: March 22-23

Songs of Barway Dorje: March 22-23

03/22/2025 - 03/23/2025    
$30.00 - $120.00
Commentary and Instruction by Vajracharya Lama Tashi Topgyal Translation by Lama Yeshe Gyamtso 10am - noon & 2-4pm [edt] In person and livestream Livestream links [...]
Chenrezik with Short Daily Guru Rinpoche Puja - Via Zoom

Chenrezik with Short Daily Guru Rinpoche Puja - Via Zoom

5:00 pm EDT - 6:00 pm EDT
Please join us for Chenrezik with the Short Daily Guru Rinpoche practice at KPL or via Zoom. 5:00-6:00pm ET - Chenrezik with Short Daily Guru [...]
White Khechari (Dakini) Puja

White Khechari (Dakini) Puja

2:00 pm EDT - 4:00 pm EDT
On the 25th day of each lunar month, we perform an extended version of the feast sadhana (Tsok) of White Khechari (White Vajrayogini) from the [...]
Monday Shamatha Meditation via Zoom

Monday Shamatha Meditation via Zoom

5:00 pm EDT - 5:30 pm EDT
Naomi Schmidt will offer  30 minutes of meditation. Instruction will be given by request before the meditation session. If you would like to participate via [...]
Mahakala Solka Practice

Mahakala Solka Practice

2:00 pm EDT - 4:00 pm EDT
In person and livestream Mahakala is regarded as the sacred Dharmapala (“Protector of the Dharma”) Mahakala Solka practice is on the 29th day of every [...]
Medicine Buddha Puja

Medicine Buddha Puja

10:00 am EDT - 12:00 pm EDT
In person and livestream On the new moon of each lunar month, we perform a session of Medicine Buddha Puja. Medicine Buddha is the manifestation [...]
Chenrezik with Short Daily Guru Rinpoche Puja - Via Zoom

Chenrezik with Short Daily Guru Rinpoche Puja - Via Zoom

5:00 pm EDT - 6:00 pm EDT
Please join us for Chenrezik with the Short Daily Guru Rinpoche practice at KPL or via Zoom. 5:00-6:00pm ET - Chenrezik with Short Daily Guru [...]
Monday Shamatha Meditation via Zoom

Monday Shamatha Meditation via Zoom

5:00 pm EDT - 5:30 pm EDT
Naomi Schmidt will offer  30 minutes of meditation. Instruction will be given by request before the meditation session. If you would like to participate via [...]
Subtle Essence Vajrasattva Commemorating [4th year] Bardor Tulku Rinpoche's Parinirvana

Subtle Essence Vajrasattva Commemorating [4th year] Bardor Tulku Rinpoche's Parinirvana

04/01/2025 - 04/05/2025    
Fourth Anniversary of Bardor Tulku Rinpoche's parinirvana 8:30-Noon & 2:00-5:30pm (ET) / Times are approximate In person and Livestreamed Kunzang Palchen Ling will be conducting [...]
Guru Rinpoche Puja

Guru Rinpoche Puja

2:00 pm EDT - 4:00 pm EDT
In person and livestream This practice is held on the 10th lunar day. It is an extended version of the feast (tsok) sadhana of Guru [...]
Amitabha Puja

Amitabha Puja

10:00 am EDT - 12:00 pm EDT
In person and livestream On the full moon of each lunar month, we perform a session of the Amitabha sadhana. Amitabha, also known as the Buddha [...]
Saturday Meditation - In Person Only / 10-11am

Saturday Meditation - In Person Only / 10-11am

12:00 am EDT
Led by Naomi Schmidt Naomi will lead shamatha (tranquility) meditation and offer instructions by request. This is a wonderful opportunity to get started with the [...]
White Khechari (Dakini) Puja

White Khechari (Dakini) Puja

2:00 pm EDT - 4:00 pm EDT
On the 25th day of each lunar month, we perform an extended version of the feast sadhana (Tsok) of White Khechari (White Vajrayogini) from the [...]
Mahakala Solka Practice

Mahakala Solka Practice

2:00 pm EDT - 4:00 pm EDT
In person and livestream Mahakala is regarded as the sacred Dharmapala (“Protector of the Dharma”) Mahakala Solka practice is on the 29th day of every [...]
Medicine Buddha Puja

Medicine Buddha Puja

10:00 am EDT - 12:00 pm EDT
In person and livestream On the new moon of each lunar month, we perform a session of Medicine Buddha Puja. Medicine Buddha is the manifestation [...]
Guru Rinpoche Puja

Guru Rinpoche Puja

2:00 pm EDT - 4:00 pm EDT
In person and livestream This practice is held on the 10th lunar day. It is an extended version of the feast (tsok) sadhana of Guru [...]