Chenrezig is Compassionate Emptiness
Chenrezig is compassionate emptiness. Chenrezig is not a flesh and blood person who has to sit there for eternity and who has to hold his two arms up. He is the affect of the realization […]
Chenrezig is compassionate emptiness. Chenrezig is not a flesh and blood person who has to sit there for eternity and who has to hold his two arms up. He is the affect of the realization […]
Our basic nature—our basic being—is absolutely perfect. It is identical to the basic being or basic nature of buddhas. No distinction whatsoever can be made between the buddha nature of a sentient being and the […]
There is only one reason to receive authentic vajrayana empowerment, and that is that you care so much about other beings that you are in a hurry to achieve buddhahood for their benefit. Sometimes people […]
Question: Concerning the recognition of the nature of mind, how can you find something when you don’t know what you’re looking for? If I’m looking for a pencil I know what it looks like, so […]
…sometimes we talk about a pure realm, for example the celestial realm of Vajrayogini, as though it were an external place—somewhere else; but then in this context we talk about it as something that is […]
How do you rest the mind in this immediate or present awareness? By not being distracted from the continuity of mere presence. Distraction from the continuity of mere presence occurs when we think about what […]
It’s not helpful to scold ourselves or blame ourselves for what we perceive as lack of success in actually benefiting others because giving into disappointment about that can cause us to lose our resolve to […]
What we are cultivating in meditation is familiarity with the ordinary mind, the mind that is simply experiencing the present moment directly. That’s all we’re looking for. So extraordinary experiences, feelings of joy, or tremendous […]
The character of language is the appearance of the character of the mind or the attributes of the mind, which fundamentally is the clear light, the cognition devoid of inherent existence. What in tantric terms […]
Many people talk about renunciation, but mostly they’re spouting dharma jargon because it’s what they’ve been told is good, and they want to sound good. Sometimes when we’re in the presence of a great master […]
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