Essence of Wisdom: Stages of the Path, Part 14, by Lama Tashi Topgyal, MP3 Download




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The teaching is an explanation of Guru Rinpoche’s instructions on the stages of the path discovered as terma by Chokgyur Lingpa. These instructions are part of the very secret chittasadhana of Dorje Drakpo Tsal. They are explained in a series of teachings using a commentary by Jamgon Kongtrul Lodro Thaye, “An Expansion of the Light of Wisdom.” A portion of that text has been published in English by Rangjung Yeshe Publications as “The Light of Wisdom. Vol 1.

Part 14 of this teaching was given at KPL in August 2017.

See also MP3 download of Part 1

See also MP3 download of Part 2

See also MP3 download of Part 3

See also MP3 download of Part 4

See also MP3 download of Part 5

See also MP3 download of Part 6

See also MP3 download of Part 7

See also MP3 download of Part 8

See also MP3 download of Part 9

See also MP3 download of Part 10

See also MP3 download of Part 11

See also MP3 download of Part 12

See also MP3 download of Part 13

High quality
4 MP3 files
Total size: 398 MB

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