Seven Points of Mind Training, by Zurmang Gharwang Rinpoche, book.




“This teaching is based on The Great Path of Awakening, a commentary on Chekawa’s Seven Point Instruction, which was taught by Jamgon Kongtrol Rinpoche.  Although this particular lineage belongs to the sutra tradition, the practice has a link to tantra. It has as its main emphasis the attainment of compassion and emptiness. These two aspects are developed through the relative bodhicitta practice of tonglen, or the practice of sending happiness to others and taking suffering of others. Tonglen is, in fact, the heart of this teaching.

The practice of tonglen teaches us to identify the source of our suffering and shows us how to eliminate it by letting go of our sense of self, or ‘I.’  Our wants, our needs, our likes and dislikes, our anger, our sense of self-righteousness, our greed and attachments are all caused by this strong belief in ‘I.’  This uncompromising belief in our sense of self-identity causes us to suffer continuously ..”

Includes a brief biography of the 12th Zurmang Gharwang Rinpoche.

Zurmang Kagyu Foundation, 171 pages, paperback.


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