Thousand Armed Chenrezig Nyungne Retreat

A nyungne is a fasting practice of Chenrezik, the Lord of Love. While chanting liturgy, retreatants meditate on love and compassion for all beings, purifying negative past actions and habitual tendencies. Retreatants will observe eight vows for two 24-hour periods, practice meditation with visualization, and recite mantras of the Thousand Armed Chenrezik.
A nyine is a one-day practice of a nyungne. A nyine can be done on the 1st or 2nd day, or both days. If doing a nyine on the 2nd day, you will need to provide your own food.
Please note: Senior Citizens and individuals with medical concerns may participate without fasting.
The Eight Vows
- Not to kill: not to intentionally take the life of any being, even an insect.
- Not to steal: not to take that which is not given.
- Not to engage in sexual activity: not even to look with sexual desire.
- Not to lie: not to lie in anyway, even as a joke.
- Not to use intoxicants: not to use alcohol and drugs (except for medicinal purposes).
- Not to dance, sing or play musical instruments, and not to wear jewelry, make-up or perfume: not to engage in behavior that calls attention to oneself or behavior that is flirtatious.
- Not to eat at wrong times: on the 1st day, take only one meal (lunch), on the 2nd day no food or liquid is taken and silence is observed until the morning of the 3rd day.
- Not to sit on high beds or seats covered with expensive materials or animal skins: not to engage in prideful behavior.
Day 1
Sadhana practice 5am – noon, and 2 – 6pm. The eight precepts are taken early in the morning session of the practice. Lunch is served to the group at noon. Fasting begins after lunch is finished, but liquids are permitted until bed-time.
Day 2
Sadhana practice 5am – noon, and 2 – 6pm. The eight precepts are taken as on the first day. Fast continues today without liquids and silence is observed until the fast is broken at the appropriate point on the 3rd morning.
Day 3
Sadhana practice 5am – approximately 8am. No precepts are taken. At the appropriate point in the sadhana practice, the fast and silence are broken, at which time water, tea and light food is served. The practice continues with concluding prayers and aspirations.
Please register in advance, or let us know you wish to attend. Suggested donation is $30.00. Rooms at KPL are available at $80.00 per night.