Green Tara Retreat – In Person & Livestream

07/21/2023 - 07/23/2023    

Led by Lama Tashi Topgyal

10-Noon & 2:00-4 pm (ET) / Times are approximate
Starting July 21 – (Chokhor Duchen) Buddha’s first turning of the Wheel of Dharma

In person and Livestream

Friday July 21 morning

Friday July 21 afternoon

View rest of  the YouTube links below

At the time of the Buddha Amoghasiddhi, there was a human princess by the name of Yeshe Dawa (“Moon of Wisdom”). In the presence of the Buddha Amoghasiddhi she engendered bodhicitta and gave rise to the aspiration and the commitment to benefit and liberate all sentient beings, to conquer all maras or demons.

The commitment she made was truly unique. She committed herself, from the moment when she first engendered bodhicitta until the time of obtaining complete buddhahood, to be reborn only as a woman, never as a male, for the benefit of sentient beings. The strength and special nature of this vow has never arisen in the past among all buddhas, does not arise in the present, and will never arise again in the future. Her diligence, courage, and zeal in her commitment are unrivaled. For these reasons she was especially praised by all buddhas, and Buddha Amoghasiddi bestowed on her the name “Drolma Nyurma Pamo.” “Drolma” means Tara, “she who liberates.” “Nyurma” means “she who acts swiftly,” and “Pamo” means “she who is strong and powerful.” When her name was pronounced by the Buddha Amoghasiddhi it was simultaneously proclaimed and heard in all realms.

— Bardor Tulku Rinpoche

The practice of Green Tara is especially dear to Khandro Sonam; it was a daily morning practice for Bardor Rinpoche and Khandro Sonam. Practicing Tara during the auspicious day of Chokhor Duchen will be extremely beneficial for practitioners as well as the community.

“The Practice of Green Tara” by Bardor Tulku Rinpoche

Rinpoche’s book is a comprehensive teaching on Green Tara practice. The Practice of Green Tara includes how to perform the practice, visualization, the 21 Praises of Tara, questions and answers and much more. 

Click to download texts: 

Green Tara

21 Praises

KPL Long Life Prayers

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Sat am

Sat pm

Sun am

Sun pm