January 8-10, 2021
Kunzang Palchen Ling invites you to participate in the 3rd Annual White Khechari Drupchö Retreat from Friday evening to Sunday afternoon, January 8-10, 2021.
Friday, Jan. 8 – 7:30 pm ET [zoom]
Teachings with Lama Tashi Topgyal
Registration required for the teachings and livestream links will be e-mailed.
Photo: White Khechari Drupchuö – Tsok Photos – 1/9/21
Registration & Suggested Donation
Registration is required to receive the live-stream links, Q&A form, and Zoom links.
The deadline to register is January 6, 2021.
To register, email your intention to attend to:
Suggested donation: $100
To donate, click here.
All times listed below are given in Eastern Standard Time.
Friday, January 8, 2021 [zoom]
7:30 pm EST
Teaching by Lama Tashi Topgyal
5:30 pm MST
4:30 pm PST
Saturday, January 9, 2021 [zoom]
White Khechari Puja and Tsok
viewable via zoom, email registration@kunzang.org for the link
Morning Session – 10 a.m. – Noon – Puja
Afternoon Session – 2 – 4 p.m. – Tsok
8:00 am MST / 7:00 am PST
12:00 pm MST / 11:00 am PST
Sunday, January 10, 2021
White Khechari Tsok and Q&A*
Morning Session – 10 a.m. – Noon – Tsok
Afternoon Session – Q&A* via Zoom – 2 – 4 p.m.
8:00 am MST / 7:00 am PST
12:00 pm MST / 11:00 am PST
*A link to the Google Q&A form will be made available to participants so they may submit their questions for Sunday’s Q&A session.
For questions or more information, email:
Marina Nandapurkar
Previous White Khechari drupchös were hosted by Kunzang Chöling of Phoenix in Arizona, but due to COVID-19 circumstances this year, the 2021retreat will be live-streamed on KPL’s YouTube channel.
This drupchö will be slightly different from previous live-streamed events. Because the event is intended to be a retreat, participants must register in order to view the Friday night teaching and the weekend’s puja sessions.
In addition, there will be a Q&A afternoon session via Zoom on Sunday, January 10. Q&A Google forms for submittal of questions and Zoom links will be emailed to all who have registered in advance of the retreat.
Who Is White Khechari?
The White Khechari (White Vajrayogini) terma cycle was the first of the earth termas discovered by the treasure text revealer Terchen Barway Dorje (1st Bardor Rinpoche, 1836-1918). This particular sadhana is the intermediate form of the principal practice of White Khechari herself. Since this White Khechari cycle is a recent discovery and so is intended for modern times, its blessings are inconceivable. It is still fresh and warm with the blessings of the dakinis and the lineage.
What Is a Drupchö?
Drupchö is a multi-day intensive deity practice that involves making vast offerings and mantra accumulations in order to accomplish the essence of the deity.
For those unfamiliar with this practice, you are welcome to attend and follow along. If you are interested in learning about the practice, the sadhana, audio recordings and transcript of the commentary are available at the KPL Bookstore’s website. The links are provided below.
White Khechari Practice Instructions:
Audio Recordings – Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Transcript of Commentary of Instructions by Lama Tashi Topgyal
White Khechari Sadhana with Tsok (booklet form)